Victoria Grageda-Smith



Victoria Grageda-Smith is a lawyer turned award-winning author published in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Her first US-published poem appeared in Dicta, the literary journal of the University of Michigan School of Law where she earned her L.L.M. Her poems received recognition from the Crosswinds Poetry Journal International Contest, New Millennium Poetry Awards, Knightville Poetry Contest, and Edwin Markham Poetry Award, and appear in various literary journals that include Reed Magazine, Lyrical Iowa, Crosswinds Poetry Journal, New Millennium Writings, and Fifth Estate. Her debut novel, THE THOMASITE, will be released by Orange Blossom Publishing in spring 2023. She’s also the author of the award-winning novella, FAITH HEALER (Brain Mill Press, 2016). Details and updates on her literary work are available on



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